About the Journal

Islam Today Journal publishes articles, research notes, and original datasets in all areas of knowledges and from the perspective of experts, professionals, researchers, and scholars from all disciplines and vocations. As an independent, non-partisan, non-sectarian platform, Islam Today Journal stands out because it does not distinguish between the conceptual and nonconceptual, material and immaterial, and corporeal and incorporeal systems. Authors with expertise in business, engineering, medicine, law, and other applied and empirical sciences, who are able and willing to articulate soundly reasoned thought on the various forms of connections between faith and public life as seen through the lens of their profession and experiences as especially welcome to submit their work to Islam Today Journal. 

Examples of topics of research that fall within the scope of Islam Today Journal include (but limited to): modern and classical scientific interpretation of Islamic traditions, history of sciences in Islamic civilization, innovation in medicine in medieval Islamic societies, impact of Islamic rituals on developments in sciences (e.g., astronomy, medicine, alchemy, geography, etc.), Islamic engineering and architecture, urbanism in Islamic societies, effects of empirical and faith-based inquiries on public health in Islamic cultures, and the nature and functions of Islamic economic systems. As a platform for the dissemination of critical knowledge, the Journal will also consider submissions of translated works of scholarship that have been peer-reviewed and accepted by ITJ or other peer journals, with author(s) or publisher permissions.

For more information about the Journal, please read the About page, below.


ITJ is an Open Access, multidisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal; a platform for researchers engaged in the study of Islamic texts, thought, institutions, and events. Authors come from diverse scientific disciplines and rely on sound analytical and methodological approaches.

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