Editorial Team
Islam Today Journal ID Card
The publication: Islam Today Journal, Islam Today, ITJ, IT
ISSN: 1554-0154
Publisher: IQSR
Publication type: Electronic
Publication frequency: Ongoing
Journal Website: https://islamtodayjournal.org/
Scope: Islam Today Journal stands out because it does not distinguish between the conceptual and nonconceptual, material and immaterial, and corporeal and incorporeal systems. Islam Today Journal is a new kind of a platform for researchers and scholars who apply sound, consistent, and testable frameworks of analysis and explanation from all disciplines. While the adjective “Islamic” is used to describe the journal, it is used the same way it was used during the peak of the Islamic civilization: as a reference to the determinant system that was inclusive of all spiritual and faith expressions beyond the religion of Islam. With that framing in mind, Muslim and non-Muslim scientists, scholars, experts, and thinkers are invited to write for Islam Today Journal and join in renewed application of holistic approaches to understanding our worlds—both corporeal and incorporeal. Read more About the Journal.
Abstracts and Indexing: Islam Today Journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Scopus; future indexing and abstracting pending.
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Dr. Souaiaia
Editorial Board [Editors, Advisors, Reviewers]: Members Space Access > Sign In
Author Guidelines: Submissions and Guidelines